Jon Arranz Jon

Schülerblog: The hidden Leaf village – Jon Arranz

Lesezeit: 2 Minuten

Pablo, Juan and Paul whe­re once on a misi­on to dis­co­ver the mis­te­ries of the hid­den Leaf vil­la­ge when they stumb­led upon an old cave, they thought.

The hidden leaf village: Pablo, Paul and Juan

They were all in shock and ran in dif­fe­rent direc­tions when the poli­ce found them all in dif­fe­rent places of the for­bidden vil­la­ge. They brought them far away to a big city full of peo­p­le and lights. They were in the poli­ce sta­ti­on and got asked who they were, how they got the­re and what they were surching the­re. Pablo, 16 years young said: We only wan­ted to have fun in the nea­rest forest when we stumb­led upon a vil­la­ge. Juan, 15 years young said: I dont know, i just fol­lo­wed my brot­her Pablo with his fri­end Paul to go out­side. Paul, 17 just wan­ted to have fun. The Poli­ce let them sleep in a near Hotel whe­re they were released to go home the next day.

A few days have pas­sed when Paul told Pablo that he wan­ted to go back and see what was so mys­te­rious about the place they stumb­led upon. They made plans and fleed from home when they rea­li­sed that they for­got Juan. They thought about get­ting him, when they heard a noice next to them and deci­ded to keep going wit­hout him.

Pablo and Paul arri­ved at the cave and went in. They couldnt see any­thing but lucki­ly Pablo brought his flash lights.

They were wal­king and wal­king non-stop wit­hout fin­ding any clue of what could be in that cave but sud­den­ly found train rails and mine carts. It was full of stones, black ones, white ones, gold ones every kind of colour that you could think of. It was get­ting col­der by every step they took. Found bodies on the ground, con­tai­ners, hel­mets almost like peo­p­le lived under­neath the hid­den vil­la­ge. They were loo­king for some­thing. They made a break. They were get­ting scared every second that pas­sed. Paul made a fire with the sticks that were lay­ing on the ground and fell a sleep. They didnt have much to drink left and to eat but didnt want to stop here. We have came so far said Paul. I dont want to stop here we still dont know what we will find at the end of this cave. He con­viced him and kept wal­king. Few hours later they found a dead end. What should we do? They loo­ked back and it was clo­sed. It was like a dead end from both sides. They didnt have a choice then build their own way out when they loo­ked up and ever­y­thing was shi­ning. They found shi­ning stones that were lea­ding to a direc­tion. They ran as fast as they pos­si­bly could when sud­dent­ly blin­ding light was shi­ning into the cave.

The hidden leaf village: Pablo and Paul

They found a new Place whe­re ever­y­thing was green. It was like in a dream and this under­neath a hid­den vil­la­ge. They couldnt belie­ve their eyes. They were the cho­sen ones to found the mys­te­rious place under­neath the human world. On the way back they figu­red out that the peo­p­le who died in the cave whe­re loo­king for the same thing that they have found. We have done it. It was their secret and untill today no one knows about this place.

The hidden leaf village

Text von Jon Arranz, 3. Sek Oeh­ler