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The Refugees Resilience
Romina Salarian Romina
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Schülerblog: The Refugees Resilience – Romina Salarian

In the midst of gunfire, smoke clouds the air, stinging the eyes, while the nose clogs from the dusk settling around, one can see the birds leaving the hazy sky. Their wings beat against the thick air, a strong contrast to the turmoil below. They wanted to leave this misery behind them and find a new home.

Free Speech
Romina Salarian Romina
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Schülerblog: Free Speech – Romina Salarian

«Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation.”

The haunted manor von Yannick Hänggi
Yannick Hänggi Yannick
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Schülerblog: The haunted manor – Yannick Hänggi

One day, as I strolled through my neighborhood, my attention was captured by an old house that stood out amongst the others. Its exterior exuded an air of mystery in this boring city. I found myself wondering why such a beautiful house seemed to be uninhabited.

The haunted manor von Samyuktha Sivakumar
Samyuktha Sivakumar Samyuktha
Lesezeit: 4 Minuten

Schülerblog: The haunted manor – Samyuktha Sivakumar

Maya, a young woman with a tough life. She’s beautiful but struggles with money and lives in a dorm. Her parents passed away tragically in a car accident when she was just a kid.

The hidden leaf village
Jon Arranz Jon
Lesezeit: 2 Minuten

Schülerblog: The hidden Leaf village – Jon Arranz

Pablo, Juan and Paul where once on a mision to discover the misteries of the hidden Leaf village when they stumbled upon an old cave.

Naomi Müller Naomi
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Schülerblog: Autofahrt in die Zukunft – Naomi Müller

Eine Zukunftsgeschichte aus dem Aufsatztraining.