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The Refugees Resilience
Romina Salarian Romi­na
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Schülerblog: The Refugees Resilience – Romina Salarian

In the midst of gun­fire, smoke clouds the air, sting­ing the eyes, while the nose clogs from the dusk set­tling around, one can see the birds leav­ing the hazy sky. Their wings beat against the thick air, a strong con­trast to the tur­moil below. They want­ed to leave this mis­ery behind them and find a new home.

Free Speech
Romina Salarian Romi­na
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Schülerblog: Free Speech – Romina Salarian

“Free­dom of speech is a prin­ci­ple that sup­ports the free­dom of an indi­vid­ual to artic­u­late their opin­ions and ideas with­out fear of retal­i­a­tion.”

The haunted manor von Yannick Hänggi
Yannick Hänggi Yan­nick
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Schülerblog: The haunted manor – Yannick Hänggi

One day, as I strolled through my neigh­bor­hood, my atten­tion was cap­tured by an old house that stood out amongst the oth­ers. Its exte­ri­or exud­ed an air of mys­tery in this bor­ing city. I found myself won­der­ing why such a beau­ti­ful house seemed to be unin­hab­it­ed.

The haunted manor von Samyuktha Sivakumar
Samyuktha Sivakumar Samyuk­tha
Lesezeit: 4 Minuten

Schülerblog: The haunted manor – Samyuktha Sivakumar

Maya, a young woman with a tough life. She’s beau­ti­ful but strug­gles with mon­ey and lives in a dorm. Her par­ents passed away trag­i­cal­ly in a car acci­dent when she was just a kid.

The hidden leaf village
Jon Arranz Jon
Lesezeit: 2 Minuten

Schülerblog: The hidden Leaf village – Jon Arranz

Pablo, Juan and Paul where once on a mision to dis­cov­er the mis­ter­ies of the hid­den Leaf vil­lage when they stum­bled upon an old cave.

Naomi Müller Nao­mi
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Schülerblog: Autofahrt in die Zukunft – Naomi Müller

Eine Zukun­fts­geschichte aus dem Auf­satz­train­ing.